
Fixed Gauging

Communication Interface Unit

The TA3840C Communication Rack and TA3840S Safety Rack collects and processes measured data from level, pressure, temperature, trim, and heel sensors for providing accurate and reliable level and/or volume measurements.

The Communication Interface unit is a processing unit which centralizes data from multiple marine tank gauging instruments. It provides calculated tank volume, level, pressure and temperature outputs for use by gauging software, loading computer and other systems on the ship. This centralized interface can handle measurement signals from a maximum of 64 cargo tanks along with capability to accept upto 96 inputs from other instruments.

What Is It?
The Communication Interface is a stand-alone unit which can access signals from various instrument types used on the ship. The unit can be installed in a 19-inch rack and includes a supply board, central unit board for data processing, function keyboard, and display unit with LCD screen for measurement and alarm data.

How Does It Work?
The Communciation Interaface functions a single point location in your control room for accessing measurement signals from all types of interfaced gauging instruments on board the ship. Approved by major international classification societies, the TA3840C provides two slots for one or two analog 4-20 mA input boards (48 channels) or for one or two multifunction I/O boards (8 x 4-20mA, 24 Binary O/P and 16 Binary I/P). This interface is equipped for Honeywell’s Remote Connectivity Service for ships.
Together with the EM540 radar gauge, the T901 pressure and temperature sensors, the CT801 electro-pneumatic level gauge, the PL3700X pressure sensors, the Communication Interface delivers a complete tank gauging system performance for cargo, ballast and service tank monitoring.

What Problems Does It Solve?
Tankers and FPSO are the most vulnerable to imbalance while ensuring they are perfectly aware of the liquid cargo volumes being transferred betwee various ports. The Communication Interface unit is the fundamental tool for seafarers to monitor the ship balance continuously there helping effective ballast management. A single points interface help them get seamless visibility of cargo tank storage situations.
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