

Our battery energy storage systems (BESS) help commercial and industrial customers, independent power producers, and utilities improve the grid stability, increase revenue, and meet peak demands without straining their electrical systems.

What is Honeywell's Battery Energy Storage System?

Provide an easy to customize, scale, manufacture, install, configure, maintain and recycle, Battery Energy Storage System. This includes:​

Battry Modules

Battery Management Systems (BMS)

Energy Management Systems (EMS)

BESS subsystems such as HVAC and security

Key Features:
  • Modular lithium ion battery energy storage, scalable from 500kW to 1GW.
  • Front of the Meter and Behind the Meter customers alike.
  • Maximize renewable energy generation, reduce utility bills and tariffs, increase uptime and reliability.


Benefits Of Honeywell's Battery Energy Storage System

Increased uptime of production or critical infrastructure EMS extend distributed energy assets and support critical loads
Reduced energy costs Increased self-consumption of renewable energy
Reduced carbon footprint BESS as back up power
Maximized ROI on energy assets Business functions to continue for critical manufacturing process
Operate BESS as a spinning reserve in microgrids Reduced equipment damage that can occur due to outages
BESS absorbs fluctuations in demand, reducing wear and tear, asset life extended Seamless transfer between grid and BESS

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