
Glass & Oxygen Burners

PrimeFire 400

Flat-Flame Oxy-fuel burner that uses a patented "gas splitting technology" to produce increased luminosity and head radiation above the glass load. This helps improve furnace output and reduce NOx.

PrimeFire 400 Oxygen Fuel Burners Feature Flat-Frame Geometry The Low NOx PrimeFire 400 is a nozzle-mixing burner featuring flat-flame geometry. This flat-flame shape provides enhanced flame coverage and uniform heat distribution, resulting in improved product quality and extended furnace refractory life. Specifically, the advanced design of the PrimeFire 400 incorporates a pre-combustor at the back of the burner. This pre-combustor mixes a portion of the combustion oxygen with the fuel stream, causing gas cracking which produces free carbon particles that increase luminosity and improve the radiant heat transfer to the glass load. As a result, overall furnace efficiency is improved, peak flame temperatures are reduced, and NOx formation is lowered.

Features & Benefits:
  • Patented "gas cracking" technology
  • Significant reduction in NOx emissions
  • Increased luminosity and heat transfer
  • Maximum capacities of 2MM, 4MM, 10MM and 20MM Btu/hr
  • 4:1 turndown
  • Can be fired with natural gas or fuel oil
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